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Jena Skinner, AICP
Sep 13, 2021
I just work here. The misunderstanding of being a planner.
Recently, I was successful in getting a new neighborhood approved in a small town in Colorado. My team was excellent, and we did...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Aug 12, 2020
Separation of Planning- err, Planners
I am often reminded that planners in the private world are quietly overlooked and excluded from the vital role they play in our field....

Jena Skinner, AICP
Jul 16, 2020
The Fear of Planning
I'm sure you've heard me tell you (if you like talking about planning) that private planners often do twice the work of government...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Jul 2, 2020
Hollywood and Planners
Black Lives Matter is a movement that appears in the history timeline around 2013 as hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after the...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Jun 17, 2020
A Recent Article...About Me

Jena Skinner, AICP
May 14, 2020
What a great time to rethink zoning!
My last blog post spoke about re-evaluating setbacks as they relate to social distancing. This article out New York takes it to the next...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Apr 6, 2020
Do the old ways of doing site design = improved social distance in the time of Covid-19? Yes.
In our communities, it's always bothered me that front setbacks are so large, and rear so small. Why would that bother me? Front porch...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Feb 25, 2020
Questioning what is important in 2020
Sheesh! Time flies when you are being pulled a million different directions. Very distracting when you have a blog that needs attention....

Jena Skinner, AICP
Oct 10, 2019
National Community Planning Month
Hug a planner today! Well, it's National Community Planning Month! Instead of giving a personal opinion of planning life, I am just going...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Sep 26, 2019
Inequitable Taxation Part 1
I learned a new way of thinking at the APACO conference held the 18-20th in Snowmass, CO. It was a great discussion, hosted by Joe...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Aug 20, 2019
It always goes back to leadership...
We are all humans. It's strange that in land use, sometimes people forget...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Jun 3, 2019
Are you a yes-person?
As an avid observer, I always find it interesting to watch how people respond when listening to others at conferences, in the workplace,...

Jena Skinner, AICP
May 8, 2019
Planning Theory Vs. Reality
Often times I read, listen and watch as planners try to inspire new and innovative means to improve our systems. I find most ideas are...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Mar 4, 2019
There is no fear in this dojo
Starting your own firm? Private planners only make up 20% of us professionals, I believe I saw somewhere on the APA website or on some...

Jena Skinner, AICP
Mar 4, 2019
When business survival trumps your value as a planner
Last year I was "laid off" because my planning position was not generating enough money for the firm - an engineering firm. What does a...
Thoughts and Opinions
by J. Skinner, AICP
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